Showing posts with label NNN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NNN. Show all posts


Numbers in Haiku


- Numbers used by Matsuo Basho -

. Basho using numbers in his haiku .
- - - - - featuring the following

kadomatsu ya omoeba hitoyo sanjuunen
Kyoo wa kuman kusen kunju no hanami kana

under construction

- - - - - issun 一寸 about 3 cm

. Musashino ya issun hodo na shika no koe .
(autumn) voice of the deer. Musashino plain. reaches about one sun

. akebono ya shirauo shiroki koto issun .
(spring) spring dawn. whitefish, whitebait. just one sun

. kareshiba ya yaya kageroo no ichi ni sun.


. aki chikaki kokoro no yoru ya yojoohan .
four-and-a-half mat tea room

. asamutsu ya tsukimi no tabi no ake-banare .
(autumn) moon viewing. six in the morning. travelling. dawn

. futsuka ni mo nukari haseji na hana no haru .
(spring) cherry blossoms. on the second day I won't fail (at temple Hasedera 長谷寺)

. hana no yado ni hajime owari ya hatsuka hodo .
(spring) cherry blossoms. from beginning to end about 20 days

. hanjitsu wa kami o tomo ni ya toshi wasure .
I spent half a day in the company of the deities

. haru tatsu ya shinnen furuki kome goshoo .
five shoo of rice - 1 shoo 升 is about 1.8 liter

. hatsu hana ni inochi nanajuu gonen hodo .
hatsu hana ni inochi shichi jū go nen hodo
I will gain at least 75 years

. hatsu makuwa yotsu ni ya tatan wa ni kiran .
melon cut in four parts

. higashi nishi aware sa hitotsu aki no kaze .
(autumn wind) one feeling of aware in East and West

. hito hi hito hi mugi akaramite naku hibari .
one day, one day - day by day

. hito-koe no e ni yokotau ya hototogisu .
just one call over the inlay

. hito one wa shigururu kumo ka Fuji no yuki .
one mountain ridge and snow on Mount Fuji

. hototogisu / naku ya go shaku no / ayamegusa .
go shaku 五尺. 5 shaku. 1 shaku is about 30.3cm.

. hyaku ri kitari hodo wa kumoi no shita suzumi .
hyaku ri kitari / hodo wa kumoi no / shita suzumi
- - - one RI 里 is about 4 kilometers or a bit more than two miles. - hyaku ri 百里 one hundred ri distance

. inochi futatsu no naka ni ikitaru sakura kana .
between our two lives

. itsutsu mutsu cha no ko ni narabu irori kana .
(winter) sunken hearth. five or six cakes

. kadomatsu ya omoeba hitoyo sanjuunen .
(New Year) pines at the gate, one night. 30 years


kakurega ya tsuki to kiku to ni ta san tan

this hermitage -
the moon, chrysanthemums and
three tan of rice paddies

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in the ninth lunar month of 1689
元禄2年9月, Basho age 46
Greeting hokku for Boku-In 木因 (Bokuin) at Ogaki 大垣.
On his trip to Oku no Hosomichi.
Basho had also visited Boku-In in 1688 貞享5年 (Oi no Kobumi)
. Tani Bokuin 谷木因 (1646 - 1725) .

- - - - - and also written for Boku-In :
kite mireba shishi ni botan no sumai kana

tan 反, 段(たん) an old unit of measurement measure of about 9.91 ar.
Equivalent to 300歩(ぶ)bu (坪 tsubo).
0.09917 hectares , about 0.2451 acres
991.7 square meters, 1186 square yards

This is a Japanese measure (not introduced from China).
First mentioned in 645 in the Taika no Taishin 大化改新,
when 1 tan was equivalent of 360歩 bu.
In 1591 it was revised to measure 300歩 bu.

This hokku reminds of a waka by Zen master Ikkyu 一休禅師
about living in the mountains, with three tan of paddies, some miso paste, a young attendant and fresh water - all you need to be content.


. Ikkyu Sojun 一休宗純 (1394-1481) .


kokono tabi / okite mo tsuki no / nanatsu kana
nine - seven

. kono kokoro suiseyo hana ni goki ichigu .
goki 御器 one set of "honorable bowls" for begging and eating
ichigu 一具 means hitosoroi 一揃い one set, containing bowls for soup and food.

. koyoi tare Yoshino no tsuki mo juuroku ri .
(autumn) moon. tonight. Mount Yoshino. 16 Ri distance

meigetsu no / izuru ya goyū / ichi kajō
gojuuichi 51 joo - about Hoojoo Yasutoki 北条泰時 and his 51 laws 条文

mishi ya sono / nanuka wa haka no / mika no tsuki
day seven - moon on day three

. momo tose no keshiki o niwa no ochiba kana / momotose .
(autumn) fallen leaves. hundred years. landscape. garden

. mono hitotsu waga yo wa karoki hisago kana .
(summer) gourd flowers, just one possession

Nara nanae / shichi doo garan / yae-zakura
temple compound with seven halls
. Temples visited by Basho .

呑明て花生となる二升樽 - nomi-akete hana-ike to naru nishoodaru
呑明て 花生 にせん二升樽 . - nomi akete hana-ike ni sen nishoodaru .
a sake ricewine barrel of two SHOO 二升 (about 3,6 liter)

. rokugatsu ya mine ni kumo oku Arashiyama .
summer) sixth lunar month, at Arashiyama 嵐山, Kyoto

盃に 三つの名を飲む 今宵かな
. sakazuki ni mitsu no na o nomu koyoi kana .
(autumn). sake cup. three names (friends)

sakura yori / matsu wa futaki o / mitsuki goshi
two trees - three moons (March)

. sakuragari kidoku ya hibi ni go ri roku ri .
walking 5 or six RI to see cherry blossoms
- - - one RI 里 is about 4 kilometers or a bit more than two miles.

san jaku no / yama mo arashi no / ko no ha kana
a mountain of three shaku

. ta ichimai uete tachisaru yanagi kana .
(spring) one field planted, in memory of the willow tree of saint Yugyo 遊行

. tsuki juuyokka koyoi sanjuu ku no warabe .
moon on day fourteen, tonight I am still a child of 39

. . tsuki kage ya shimon shishuu mo tada hitotsu .
four gates and four (Buddhist) sects. at temple Zenko-Ji 善光寺, Nagano

tsuta uete take shi go hon no arashi kana
. Visiting 伊勢神宮 Grand Shrine at Ise .
four or five saplings of bamboo

. ware ni niru na futatsu ni wareshi makuwa uri .
(summer) Makuwa-melon. Do not be like me. two halves of a melon

yomo ni utsu / nazuna mo shidoro / modoro kana
"the four directions"
. WKD : The Four Directions 東西南北 .

. yotsu goki no sorowanu hanami gokoro kana .
my begging bowl set of four is not complete

. yuku aki ya mi ni hikimatou mino-buton .
lit. I wrap my body in a matress of three NO width. minobuton 三幅蒲団


. WKD : Numbers used in Haiku - Zahlen .



Nijugoo kajoo 25 points


- Nijugoo kajoo 二十五箇条 On Haikai: Twenty-Five Points -
芭蕉翁廿五箇条 - ばしょうおうにじゅうごかじょう 〔バセウヲウニジフゴカデウ〕- 俳諧作法書
- - - also called
hakuba kyoo 白馬経 "Sutra of the White Horse"

This was published in 1726 by Kagami Shikoo 各務支考 Shiko
but is maybe a fake, since Basho introduced most of his teachings via Mukai Kyorai.

. Kagami Shikoo 各務支考 Kagami Shiko (1665 - 1731) .


"Blossoms (hana) are the flowering (hana)
of the heart-mind of all the myriad things."

Flowers and Renku
Chris Drake

The following are regarded by renku poets as "true flowers/blossoms, 正花 (shooka)" although they are not what we ordinarily call flowers. This is because they express the basic life force that makes botanical flowers possible:

* Spring: hana-guruma, a cart carrying or decorated with flowers, also a blossom-viewing carriage; hana-gokoro, or flowers' heart-mind, that is, the heart/mind of blossoms, and also the heart/mind of humans when it blooms with creative, blossom-like thoughts and actions; hana-goromo, a blossom-robe, that is, a flowery or floral-design robe; hana-ikada, or flower raft, a dense area of fallen blossoms that remains floating on the surface of a body of water, etc.

* Summer: hana-midoo, or flower hall, a stand with a base, four pillars, and a small roof covered with flowers in which a statue of the baby Buddha is placed and displayed on his birthday; yoka, or late blossoms of certain cherries and other flowering trees and bushes; wakaba no hana or blossoms among new green leaves; hana-goza, a reed mat woven with a colored floral design in it; hana-goori, or ice with a flower frozen inside it, etc.

* Autumn: hanabi, 'fire flowers,' or fireworks (now mainly a summer word); hana-odori, or flower dance, that is, a dance done with flowers in your hat (also spring); hana-momiji, 'blossoms and colored leaves,' that is, the concept of beauty that includes both, and also colored leaves that are as beautiful as spring blossoms; hana-zumoo, or blossom sumo, that is, a special sumo match outside the regular schedule in which the wrestlers are rewarded only with gifts of flowers/blossoms, a metaphor for wrapped gifts of money from fans; hana-tooroo, or stone lantern towers that are decorated with flowers, etc.

* Winter:
kaeri-bana, or flowers that bloom out of season during a winter warm spell; mochi-bana, or rice-cake flowers, that is, small, usually round brightly colored rice cakes placed on sticks or bush or tree limbs in early spring as a prayer for a good crop during the coming year, etc.

* Non-seasonal: hana-yome/-muko or flower bride/groom, that is, brides and grooms at the height of their attractiveness and fertility; hana-gatsuo, flower bonito, that is, broth containing pieces of dried bonito shaved as thinly as blossoms; hana-mushiro, flower mat, that is, a straw mat woven with a colored floral design in it; tsukuri-bana, or artificial flowers (often said to be loved by the gods); hana-nuri, or flower finish, a method of applying lacquer without polishing; hana-kairagi, or flower stingray skin, a method of decorating sword handles and sheaths; hana-gata, a) a flower design and b) a famous actor who is the "flower" of the kabuki troupe; tooka no hana, the flower-like tip of a lantern flame, etc.

* "False blossoms" that can be used as "true blossoms": hana no nami, waves of blossoms; hana no taki, a waterfall of blossoms, that is, a tree with many flowering branches hanging downward like a willow, and also: a falls as beautiful as falling petals or one with many petals floating in it at the bottom; hana no yuki, snow or blizzard of falling blossoms; cha no de-bana, first flower tea, that is, the delicious, fragrant tea made from the first fresh leaves of the year; ai no debana, the beautiful first dyeing of cloth using fresh, new indigo dye.

* There are also some borderline images, such as hi-bana, fire flowers, that is, sparks, that are often given as false blossoms that shouldn't be used.

To sum up, as Basho is quoted as saying in Nijuugo kajoo (二十五箇条), On Haikai: Twenty-Five Points,

"Blossoms (hana) are the flowering (hana)
of the heart-mind of all the myriad things."

So perhaps "true blossoms," both seasonal and non-seasonal, could be paraphrased as heart-mind blossoms as opposed to botanical blossoms.

. WKD : Flowers, blossoms and translating "hana" (花) .


《芭蕉翁二十五箇条夜話地》 - 芭蕉翁二十五箇条夜話


猿 蓑
灰汁桶の雫やミけりきりぎりす       凡兆
あぶらかすりて宵寐する秋        翁 (Basho)
新畳敷ならしたる月かげに         野水
ならべて嬉し十のさかづき        去来

炭 俵
兼好も莚織けり花ざかり          嵐雪
あざみや苣に雀鮓もる          利牛
片道ハ春の小坂のかたまりて        野坡
外をさまさまに囲ふ角力場        嵐雪

秋の空尾上の杉に離れたり         其角
おくれて一羽海ワたる鷹         孤屋
朝霧に日傭揃る貝吹て           仝
月の隠るゝ四扉の門           其角

月見する座にうつくしき顔もなし      翁 (Basho)
庭の柿の葉ミの虫になれ         尚白
火桶ぬる窓の手際を身にしめて       仝
別当殿の古き扶持米           翁 (Basho)

両の手に桃と桜や草の餅          翁 (Basho)
翁に馴し蝶鳥の児            嵐雪
野屋敷の火縄もゆるす陽炎に        其角
山のあなたの鐘聞ゆ也          翁 (Basho)

source :

. WKD : Flowers, blossoms and translating "hana" (花) .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .


Names of Persons


- Names of Persons - Personen -

In some of his hokku, Basho uses the name of a person directly.

In others the hokku is very closely related to the life of a person and the reader needs to know him/her well to properly understand the meaning.

Personification (擬人化 gijinka)
and the use of metaphors (隠喩 inyuu) are other problems, see below.

The Japanese haiku in its relation to the season is also often called
"kisetsu no aisatsu", a seasonal greeting,
whereby the kigo carries the seasonal message and mood.

In the hokku 発句 first verse of a renku 連句 linked poem of the Edo period and up to our times this was usually written by the most important guest (very often Matsuo Basho) as a greeting to the host.
By carefully choosing a plant or an animal for example the guest poet could playfully hint at a feature or characteristic of his host.
It can also feature a placename 地発句(じほっく) jihokku.
jibokku is a term used by Shirane, Traces of Dreams, page 169
source :

- The Poet as Guest
Basho was constantly meeting with poeple to compose linked verse - encounters that usually resulted in greetings or expressions of gratitude. Almost half of the roughly 250 hokku in Basho's three famous travel accounts - Skeleton in the Fields, Backpack Notes and Narrow Road to the Interior - originally functioned as social adresses or replies of this sort.
- Shirane, Traces of Dreams, p. 160
source :

- Pacifying the Dead
Basho's poetry and prose often functioned as an offering to the spirit of the dead, a ritual derives from a long Japanese tradition of spirit pacification (chinkon).
- Shirane, Traces of Dreams, p. 180
source :

senbetsu ku 餞別句 "Good Bye" poem
Basho wrote quite a few for his disciples, when they had to leave him.


The human element is in the tacit awareness of the creature present in the wider processes of creation. When Basho brings in the personal it inevitably becomes the springboard to the universal.
- Hansha Teki

. Matsuo Basho - Family Ties .
His Wife ? Jutei-Ni 寿貞尼
His Son ? Jirobei 二郎兵衛
His nephew Tooin 桃印 Toin


. Akechi Mitsuhide 明智光秀 .
killed Oda Nobunaga

Amano Toorin 天野桃隣 (1639 - 1719). 天野勘兵衛, 藤太夫
from Iga, Ueno, possibly a blood relative of Basho

. Amidaboo Amida bō 阿弥陀坊 Amida Bo, Monk Amida .

. Bokushi (460- 380 BC ?) .
Chinese philosopher Mo Di (Mo Ti), better known as Mozi (Mo-tzu)

. Chikusai 竹斎 shabby doctor Chikusai .

. Enomoto - Kikaku Takarai Kikaku 宝井其角 (1661-1707) .
Enomoto Toojun 榎本東順 Enomoto Tojun (? - 1693)
Father of Kikaku

. Gichiku 宜竹 Too Saburo 藤三郎 Gichiku 宜竹 (ぎちく) .

. Hitomi Izumo no Kami 人見出雲守 . polisher of mirrors in Kyoto

Ikkyuu Sojun 一休宗純 (1394-1481) Ikkyu, a Zen priest .
. Ikkyuu ga kawarake kawanu toshi no ichi .

. Kinoshita Chooshooshi 木下長嘯子 / 長嘯 Kinoshita Choshoshi .
(1569 - 1649) Chooshoo 長嘯

. Kohoogen, Kohōgen 古法眼 Kohogen .
Kano Motonobu 狩野元信 Kanō Motonobu
1476―1559)famous painter of the Kano School.

. Kumasaka 熊坂長範 Kumasaka Chohan .
Robber from Ishikawa

. Mafukuda 真福田 priest Mafukuda.
and saint Gyoki Bosatsu

. Matsuo Toosei 松尾桃青 Matsuo Tosei.
Matsuo Basho referring to himself, before he changed his name to "Basho".

. Ochikubo 落窪 .
and Shirara しらら, Kyōtarō (Kyootaroo) 京太郎 Kyotaro

. Rosei 廬生 Lu Sheng .  
(713 - 741) China

. Saigyo Hooshi 西行法師 (1118 - 1190) .
Monk and Poet

Seishi, Lady Seishi 西施
. - - - Station 32 - Kisagata - - - .
Oku no Hosomichi

. Shiro 子路 Zhong You (Zilu) . (543 - 481)
tsuki shiroki shiwasu wa Shiro ga nezame kana

. Shooshoo no ama 少将の尼 the nun Shosho .
Sooheki Mon-In no Shooshoo 藻壁門院少将 Soheki Mon-In no Shosho

. Soogi, Iio Soogi 飯尾 宗祇 Iio Sogi . (1421―1502)
yo ni furu mo sara ni Soogi no yadori kana

Suigaku Sooho 水学宗甫 Suigaku Soho - a famous water engineer
. suigaku mo norimono kasan ama-no-gawa .

Yoshinaka, Minamoto no Yoshinaka 源義仲
. Yoshinaka no nezame no yama ka tsuki kanashi .

. Yoshitomo, Minamoto no Yoshitomo 源義朝 .
Yoshitomo no kokoro ni nitari aki no kaze

. Yoshitsune, Minamoto no Yoshitsune 源の義経  .


- haiku dedicated to persons and names of his disciples -

Letters of condolence for a family member and other kinds of events, greeting his friends.

Sometimes Basho uses the name of an animal to talk about his friends and disciples.
I will call them "Mister xyz".

Aki no Boo 秋之坊 Akinobo, Aki no Bo, (? - 1718) Kanazawa

Akokuso 阿古久曾 - Ki no Tsurayuki
. Ki no Tsurayuki 紀貫之 .
Akokuso no / kokoro mo shirazu / ume no hana

Arakida Moritake 荒木田守武. haikai master (1473 - 1549)
. aki no kaze Ise no hakahara nao sugoshi .

. Asai Saryuu 浅井左柳 Asai Saryu . Samurai from Ogaki
hayoo sake kunichi mo shikashi yado no kiku

Baigan 梅丸, from Ogaki, who had lost his son
. ume ga ka ni mukashi no ichiji aware nari .

Benkei, Musashibo Benkei 弁慶 武蔵簿弁慶 and his oi 笈 (wooden backpack)
. oi mo tachi mo satsuki ni kazare kaminobori .

Bokusetsu 木節 (Kibushi) - Mochizuki Bokusetsu 望月木節
. aki chikaki kokoro no yoru ya yojoohan .
sharing a a four-and-a-half mat tea room

. Boosen 防川 Bosen . - disciple of Basho
ka o saguru ume ni kura miru nokiba kana

. Butchoo, Butchō 仏頂和尚 / 佛頂和尚 Priest Butcho .
kitsutsuki mo io wa yaburazu natsu kodachi / Oku no Hosomichi, Station 8

Chichibu Dono 秩父殿 Lord of Chichibu Domaine
Hatakeyama Shigetada (畠山重忠, 1164–1205)
. mukashi kike Chichibu dono sae sumootori .

Chookoo 長虹 Choko, priest in Nagoya
. awa hie ni toboshiku mo arazu kusa no io .

Daiten 大顛和尚 High Priest at temple Engaku-Ji, Kamakura 円覚寺
. ume koite u no hana ogamu namida kana .
On the death of high priest Daiten 大顛和尚 - 幻吁 Genku

. Deikin 泥芹 from Fukagawa .

Doo-En 道円 priest Do-En
. sono katachi miba ya kareki no tsue no take .
On his death

. En-no-Gyôja 役行者 En no Gyoja, founder of Shugendo .
natsuyama ni ashida o ogamau kadode kana

. Enomoto Shidoo 槐本之道 Shido .
Tookoo - 東湖 - Toko "East Lake" . from Osaka

Esa Shoohaku 江佐尚白 Esa Shohaku (? - 1722)
from Zeze

Etsudoo 悦堂和尚(えつだう) Etsudo
. ka o nokosu ranchoo ran no yadori kana .

Fuboku - Okamura Fuboku 岡村不卜
Ichiryuuken Fuboku 一柳軒不卜
. hototogisu naku ne ya furuki suzuri-bako / suzuribako .
his inkstone box

Fugyoku 不玉(伊東) Ito 伊東玄順. Doctor from Sakata.
Oku no Hosomichi

Fujiwara no Sadaie 藤原定家
. matsusugi o homete ya kaze no kaoru oto .
Shigure no Matsu 時雨の松 The Pine of Winter Drizzle

. Fujiwara no Sanekata 藤原実方 .
Toono chuujoo Sanekata 藤中将実方 Tono Chujo Sanekata

Fujiya Rosen 藤屋露川 (? - 寛保3年8月23日) from Nagoya

Fukada Zankoo 深田残香 Fukada Zanko
from Mino, Ogaki. 深田市右衛門

. Fukagawa Happin 深川八貧 "Eight Beggars of Fukagawa" .

Fuugen 風弦 Fugen -“Strings of Wind,” this pseudonym of one of Bashô’s disciples.
“‘Fûgen,’ ‘The Strings of Wind,’ is neither a zither, nor a large harp; it needs no plectrum to play, nor does it need bridges. It can make music as the piping of Heaven, and never falls into a scale of worldly notes.
source : Basho-and-the-Dao - Peipei-Qiu

. Fuuryuu 風流 Furyu - 澁谷甚兵衛 Shibuya Shinbei .

Ganjin 鑑真 (688–763) founder of Temple Toshodai-Ji 唐招提寺
. wakaba shite onme no shizuku nuguwabaya .

Genki 元起 priest Genki in Edo
. mizu samuku ne-iri kanetaru kagome kana .

. Hamada Chinseki - Shadoo, Shadō 洒堂 Shado 浜田珍夕/珍碩(洒堂)Shado.
(? - 1737) Doctor and later haikai master in Osaka - also called Takamiya Shadoo 高宮洒堂 Takamiya Shado

. Hanabusa Itchoo, Itchō 英一蝶 Hanabusa Itcho / Iccho . (1652 – 1724) painter

Hara Anteki 原安適, Edo

Hasegawa Keishi 長谷川畦止. Osaka

. Hattori Tohoo, Dohoo 服部土芳 Hattori Toho / Doho . (1657 - 1730) from Iga
inochi futatsu no naka ni ikitaru sakura kana

Hattori Ransetsu 服部嵐雪
. asagao wa heta no kaku sae aware nari .

Hattori Senbo 服部沾圃
disciple from Edo (Sarumino)

. Hasui from Kanazawa 巴水 . - 薦獅子集 Komojishi Shu Collection

. - Hayashi Tooyoo 桐葉 Hayashi Toyo, in Atsuta - ###.
kono umi ni waranji suten kasa shigure / botan shibe fukaku wake-izuru hachi no nagori kana

Hirooka Sesshi 広岡雪芝 - Nomatsu An 野松庵 "Hut of the Wild Pine" (1670 - 1711)
. suzushisa ya sugu ni nomatsu no eda no nari .

. Hirose Izen 広瀬維然 . (~正徳1年(1711)2月9日)
fuji no mi wa haikai ni sen hana no ato

Honma Shume 本間主馬, Noh actor 能役者
. hasu no ka o me ni kayowasu ya men no hana .
lotus fragrance reaches the eyes throug the nose of a Noh mask 面の鼻

. Honma Yuugo 本間友五 Honma Yugo from Fukagawa .

Hoojoo Yasutoki 北条泰時 Hojo Yasutoki (1183 - 1242)
meigetsu no / izuru ya goyū / ichi kajō
gojuuichi 51 joo - about his 51 laws 条文

. Hosokawa Shunan 細川春庵, Shun-An, haiku name Toosetsu 棟雪 Tosetsu .
yakuran ni izure no hana o kusamakura

. Hotoke Gozaemon 仏五左衛門 Honest Gozaemon .
Oku no Hosomichi, - - - Station 5 - Nikko 日光 - - -

Ichi-I. Owari no Ichi-I 尾張の一井 Ichi-I from Nagoya
. tabine yoshi yado wa shiwasu no yuuzukiyo .

Ikeda 池田利牛 from Edo

Ikenishi Gonsui 池西言水 (1650 - 1722)
Gonsui Ki 言水忌 Gonsui Memorial Day (September 24)
lived in Nara.

Isa 伊佐
. iza saraba yukimi ni korobu tokoro made .
(winter) watching snow. fall and slip.

. Isaacson, Helen Shigeko Isaacson . - Basho translator

Isoda Shooboo 磯田昌房 Isoda Shobo
from Zeze

. Isui 依水 from Fukagawa .

Ishikawa Senten 石川山店, his disciple
. waga tame ka tsuru hami-nokosu seri no meshi .
Mister Crane, tsuru 鶴

Ishioka Genbai 石岡玄梅. Nara (?Naitoo Fuuko)

. Ishiyama Joozan 石山丈山 Jozan . (1583 - 1672)
kaze kaoru haori wa eri mo tsukurohazu

Isshoo 一晶 Issho / 芳賀治貞, (? - 1707) Kyoto

Itoo Fuukoku 伊藤風国 Ito Fukoku (? - 1701) 玄恕. Doctor from Kyoto.
Published 初蝉.

Izutsuya Shoobei 井筒屋庄兵衛, Kyoto

Jookyuu 浄求 Jokyu - a poor monk living in Fukagawa

. Kagami Shikoo 各務支考 Kagami Shiko . 1665 - 1731
kono kokoro suiseyo hana ni goki ichigu
He helped spread the poetry of Basho after his death.

. Kagekiyo 平景清 Taira no Kagekiyo (? - 1196) .
Kagekiyo mo hanami no za ni wa Shichibyooe / Shichibyōe

Kameda Shuushun 亀田小春 Kameda Shushun (? - 1740)
Medicine merchant from Kanazawa. 宮竹屋亀田伊右衛門 (Oku no Hosomichi)

. Kamo no Choomei 鴨長明 Kamo no Chomei .
uo tori no kokoro wa shirazu toshi wasure
I do not know how fish or birds feel

. Kanshoo 歓生 Kansho (Kansei) from Komatsu 歓生 - 小松 .

Kasai Ranchoo 葛西嵐朝 Kasai Rancho (?) from Ise Yamada

Kaseya Ichibei かせ屋市兵衛(貝増卓袋)(? - 1706) Merchant from Iga Ueno
. Meeting Basho at Nara .

. Kashima Zenemon 賀島 / 加島 善右衛門 .
oil merchant from Gifu

Kashin 僧侶可伸 Priest Kashin at Sukagawa
. yo no hito no mitsukenu hana ya noki no kuri .
(summer) sweet chestnut flowers. "people of this world"
and in rememberance of Saint Gyooki 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu.

Kashiwagi Soryuu 柏木素龍 Kashiwagi Soryu (? 1716) - 儀左衛門
Samurai from Awa, Tokushima. Worked for Yanagizawa Yoshiyasu (time of Shogun Tsunayoshi). Sarumino.

. Kasuya Chiri 粕谷千里 .
his companion of Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行

. Katano Boosui 片野望翠 Katano Bosui / 井筒屋新蔵 . (? - 1705)
The husband of the sister of Matsuo basho

Kato Uso 加藤鳥巣
. kakusanu zo yado wa najiru ni toogarashi .
a simple meal

. Kawai Otokuni 川井乙州/ 河井乙州 / 河合乙州 .
. kusa no to ya higurete kureshi kiku no sake .
sharing some chrysanthemum sake
. hito ni ie o kawasete ware wa toshi wasure .
I make him buy a house
- - - - - and Chigetsu 智月 (? - 1718)

Kifuu 枳風 Kifu, Edo

Kihaku 己百 / Shoohoo 秋芳 Shoho
priest Kihako of temple Myosho-Ji 妙照寺, Gifu
. yadorisen akaza no tsue ni naru hi made .

Kiryuu 其柳 Kiryu, Osaka

Kishimoto Koou 岸本公羽 (? - 1719), Dewa Tsuruoka

. Kitamuki Unchiku 北向雲竹 (1623 - 1703) .
kochira muke ware mo sabishiki aki no kure
calligraphy teacher of Basho in Kyoto

. Kitamura Kigin 北村季吟 . Edo

. Koobe Toosai 神戸洞哉/ 神戸等哉 / 等栽 Kobe Tosai . Fukui
meigetsu no midokoro towan tabine sen

Kodama Juushin 児玉重辰 Kodama Jushin, Narumi
. hatsu aki ya umi mo aota mo hito midori .


Kogoo, Lady Kogo no Tsubone
at her grave in Saga

ukifushi ya take no ko to naru hito no hate

how very sad -
to become a bamboo shoot
is the fate of man

Tr. Gabi Greve

Basho age 48. Saga Nikki, 19th day of the fourth lunar month
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 1.

the fate of a person:
bamboo shoots

Tr. Barnhill

Sad nodes
we're all the bamboo's children
in the end

Tr. Carl Sensei

Kogo-no-Tsubone and Emperor Takakura (1161-1181).
Joojakooji 常寂光寺 Temple Jojakko-ji
source :


Kondoo Romaru 近藤呂丸 / 露丸 Kondo Romaru
. tooki yori aware wa tsuka no sumiregusa / sumire-gusa .
(spring) violet. pitiful. Angelica-type parsley. his grave mound
On the death of his disciple.

. Kondoo Jokoo 近藤如行 Kondo Joko (? 1708) .
from Ogaki. (Oku no Hosomichi)

Kooboku 橋木, Koboku, Toodoo Shuuri 藤堂修理
. dote no matsu hana ya ko bukaki tono-zukuri .
pines and cherry trees - a mansion like in a forest

Koono Riyuu 河野李由 Priest Kono Riyu Kono Michitaka in Hikone
. tootogaru namida ya somete chiru momiji .
(autumn) falling red leaves. my respectful tears

Koosai 好齋 Kosai
lived near Basho-An in Fukagawa. Helped the wife of Basho in her final days.

. Kosen 湖仙亭 in Otsu - 1694 .
kono yado wa kuina mo shiranu toboso kana

Kosugi Isshoo 小杉一笑 Kosugi Issho "one laugh", Kanazawa
. tsuka mo ugoke waga naku koe wa aki no kaze .
at the death of Issho

. Kubota Izen 窪田意専 / 猿雖 Ensui / Sooshichi 惣七 Soshichi .
shiba tsukeshi uma no modori ya tauedaru (taue-daru)
(?1640 - 1704) Iga Ueno

Kukuu 句空 Kuku, (? - 1712) his student from Kanazawa
. urayamashi ukiyo no kita no yama-zakura .
(spring) mountain cherry blossoms. I envy you. Northern Mountain
. Kuku and temple - Gichuuji 義仲寺 Gichu-Ji - .

Kume Bonen 久米牡年 (? - 1727) from Hizen Nagasaki

Kusunoki Masashige 楠木正成 and his son Masatura 楠木正行 i
. nadeshiko ni kakaru namida ya kusu no tsuyu .
(summer) Nadeshiko pinks. tears are falling. dew on the camphor tree

Kyuuken 及肩 Kyuken

Matsuki Tantan 松木淡々 (1674-1761)
a disciple of Basho and a prominent and, as some say, somewhat eccentric figure in haiku circles in Edo, Kyoto, and Osaka. He remained unmarried and without any children,
"but always kept around him a great number of young girls. That is why it is so hard to obtain any specimen of his own handwriting, for he dictated everything to these children"
- (Arthur Waley: The Secret History of the Mongols).
- source :

Matsumoto Hyooko 松本氷固 Matsumoto Hyoko (? - 1734) 長右衛門 . Haigo 非群
Merchant from Iga Ueno

. Matsunaga Teitoku 松永貞徳 . and Soogi 宗祇 Sogi
osana na ya shiranu okina no maruzukin

. Mikami Senna 三上千那 (1650 - 1723).
priest at temple 本福寺 in Otsu 大津堅田. Nozarashi Kiko

Minamoto no Tomonaga 源朝長 (1144–1160)
. koke uzumu tsuta no utsutsu no nebutsu kana .

Mitsui Shuufuu 三井秋風 Shufu "Autumn Wind" (1646 - 1717)
rich kimono merchant in Kyoto (Echigoya) ###
. kashi no ki no hana ni kamawanu sugata kana .

. Miyazaki Keikoo 宮崎荊口 / Shikin 此筋 / sensen 千川 / Bunchoo 文鳥. .

Mizuma Sentoku 水間沾徳 (? - 1762)
younger brother of 内藤露沾 Naito Rosen. Edo

. Mizuta Masahide 水田正秀(孫右衛門) .
(? - 1723) He was 67 when he died.

. - Morikawa Kyoroku / Kyoriku 森川許六 - . (1656 - 1715)

. Motome, kabuki actor Yoshioka Motome 吉岡求馬 .
hana ayame ichiya ni kareshi Motome kana

. Mukai Chine 向井千子 .
higashi nishi aware sa hitotsu aki no kaze
naki hito no kosode mo ima ya doyoo boshi

Mukai Rochoo 向井魯町 (? 1727) from Hizen, Nagasaki

Muramatsu Ibei 松村猪兵衛 (?Matsumura). Yamashiro

. Naitoo Joosoo, Naitō Jōsō 内藤丈草 Naito Joso . (1662 - 1704)

Naitoo Rosen 内藤露沾 Naito Rosen (1655 - 1733)
. Saigyoo no iori mo aran hana no niwa .
his garden with cherry blossoms like the hermitage of Saigyo

. Nakagawa Jokushi 中川 濁子 / 蜀子 .
Samurai from Ogaki domain (Nozarashi Kiko)

. Nakamura Fumikuni 中村史邦 / 中村荒右衛門 .
Disciple from Owari, Inuyama, Aichi

Negoro Shihaku 根来芝柏 (1643 - 1713)
from Sakai, Osaka

Ninkoo 西岸寺任口 priest Saiganji Ninko (1606 - 1686)
. waga kinu ni Fushimi no momo no shizuku seyo .

. Nooin Hooshi 能因法師 Nyoin Hoshi . Waka poet of the Nara period
Basho visited in his memory in Oku no Hosomichi

. Ochi Etsujin 越智越人 Juuzoo 十蔵 Juzo . (1656 - 173)

Okada Yasui 岡田野水 / 埜水 (? - 1743)
. suzushisa o Hida no takumi ga sashizu kana .
for his disciple in Nagoya building a now house

Okamura Fuboku 岡村 不卜, 一柳軒不卜, mother of him
. mizu mukete ato toi tamae doomyooji .
(summer) Temple Domyo-Ji cold rice 道明寺. offering water. console the spirit

. - Okamoto Taiso 岡本苔蘇 - . (? - 1709)
disciple of Basho from Iga Ueno

Ono no Komachi, Sotoba Komachi 卒都婆小町
. tootosa ya yuki furanu hi mo mino to kasa .

Ono no Toofuu 小野東風 / 小野道風 Ono no Tofu (894 - 967)- calligrapher
. Ono-zumi ya tenarau hito no hai zeseri .   

. Oota Hakusetsu 太田白雪, 太田金左衛門 Ota Hakusetsu from Shinshiro, Mikawa .
and his sons, Toosen 桃先 Tosen and Toogoo 桃後 Togo.

Ranran, 嵐蘭 Matsukura 松倉盛教
. akikaze ni orete kanashiki kuwa no tsue .
Ranran was one of his favorite disciples and died suddenly at a young age.

. Rika 李下 .
- - - - - and his dead wife Yuki
. kazuki fusu futon ya samuki yo ya sugoki .

Roboku 廬牧 (1628–1706). Ise
. tsuta uete take shi go hon no arashi kana .

Ryooto 涼菟 Ryoto from Ise Yamada

Sagara Tookyuu 相楽等躬 Sagara Tokyu at Sukagawa 須賀川
. sekimori no yado o kuina ni toou mono .
I ask for the home of the barrier guard.

Saigyoo Hooshi 西行法師 Monk and poet Saigyo
. suzuri ka to hirou ya kuboki ishi no tsuyu .

Sakagami Koojun 坂上好春 Sakagami Kojun (? - 1707)
lived in Kyoto, Fushimi.

Sakai Yamei 坂井野明 in Sagano, Kyoto.
. Kiyotaki no mizu kumasete ya tokoroten .

. Satoo Shooji 佐藤庄司 Sato Shoji . Oku no Hosomichi, Station 14

Seia 青亜(鴉)(? - 1687) - - priest from Otsu 大津

Sengin 蝉吟 (1642 - 1666) "Cicada poet"
. shizukesa ya iwa ni shimi-iru semi no koe . .

. Senka 仙化 . - his disciple in Edo

Senpoo 先放 Senpo
friend of Kyorai, from Nagasaki

. Sengai Gibon 仙厓義梵 (1751–1837) .
..... painting frog under banana tree

Sen Rikyu , Sen Rikyuu, Sen Rikyū 千利休 Tea Master
. kuchikiri ni Sakai no niwa zo natsukashiki .

. Shayoo 潮江車要 Shayo - Shioe Chobei 潮江長兵衛 .

. Shiba Sonome 斯波園女 . (1664-1726)

. Shida Yaba 志太野坡 . (1662 - 1740)

Shimazaki 島崎又幻 - Shinto priest from Ise

.Shimosato Chisoku 下里知足 Chisoku .
(1640 - 1704) His disciple in Narumi 鳴海

Shisan 子珊 (? - 1699) - - from Edo

Shofuu 如風 Shofu (? - 1705) died with 80 years
Priest from Owari Narumi 尾張鳴海

Shooheki 昌碧 - - From Nagoya, Owari. (Oi no Kobumi)

Sooha 宗波 Zen priest Soha
. furusu tada aware naru beki tonari kana .

. Soojoo Henjoo 僧正遍照 Priest Sojo Henjo . (816 - 890)
miru ni ga mo oreru bakari zo ominaeshi

Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
. kono ume ni ushi mo hatsune to nakitsu beshi .
(spring) plum blossoms. an oxen might shout his first moo
. ware mo kami no hisoo ya aogu ume no hana .

Sugiyama Sanpu 杉山杉風 (Sampu) (1647 - 1732)
. yuku haru ya tori naki uo no me wa namida .
Mister Fish, 魚 uo, with tears in his eyes
- - - and his father Sugiyama Senpuu 杉山仙風 Sugiyama Senpu

. Suzuki Seifuu 鈴木清風 Suzuki Seifu . (1651 - 1721)
suzushisa o waga yado ni shite nemaru nari

Tachibana Hokushi 立花北枝 (1665-1718) His disciple in Kanazawa
. mono kakite oogi hikisaku nagori kana.
- - - - - Tachibana Hokudoo 立花牧童 - brother of Hokushi
from Kanazawa

. Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛 (1169 - 1184) .
sumadera ya fukanu fue kiku koshita yami

. Taisui 苔水 / 岱水 from Fukagawa .
. hatsutake ya mada hikazu henu aki no tsuyu .

. Takahashi Dosui 高橋怒誰 . (? - 1743)
kimi ya cho ware ya Sooji ga yumegokoro
kari kiki ni miyako no aki ni omomukan

Takahata Shi-in 高畑市隠 (? - 1722) friend from Iga, Ueno
. fuji no kaze ya oogi ni nosete Edo miyage .
wind from Mount Fuji

. Takakuwa Rankoo 高桑闌更 Takakuwa Ranko .
(1727 - 1799) or (1726-1798)
and - Bashoo doo 芭蕉堂 Basho Do Hall, Kyoto -

Takayama Denemon (Biji) 高山伝右衛門 麋塒
Takayama Biji ( 1649-1718) 高山繁文 Takayama Shigefumi
- Haiku Form of 5 7 5 -

Takuko 竹戸. a blacksmith 鍛冶屋

Tandoo 坦堂和尚 Priest Tando - at his death
. chi ni taore ne ni yori hana no wakare kana .

Tani Bokuin, Boku-In 谷木因 (1646 - 1725) from Ogaki
. Basho visits Boku-In in Ogaki 大垣 .

Tanshi 探子, 探芝, 探志 (Sarumino)

Tenyuu Hoo-in 別当天佑法院 Betto Tenyu Ho-In, Mount Haguro
. sono tama ya Haguro ni kaesu nori no tsuki .

. Tesshu 鉄舟和尚 Priest Tesshu from temple Konpuku-Ji 金福寺 / 金福寺 .

Tomoda Ryoobon 友田良品 Tomoda Ryobon (1665 - 1730) from Iga Ueno

. Toodo Genko 藤堂玄虎 Todo Genko . - from Yanagiwara Embankment, Edo. Watanabe Choobei 渡辺長兵衛 Watanabe Chobei

. Toodoo Shinshichiroo 藤堂新七郎 Todo Shinshichiro .
Sengin 蝉吟 (1642 - 1666) "Cicada poet"
Toodoo Tanmaru 藤堂探丸 (? 1710) Eldest son of Basho's master, Todo Shinshichiro.

Toosan 塔山 / トウ山 Tosan
. Musashino ya sawaru mono naki kimi ga kasa .

Torei 兎苓 from Katata 堅田
. ooji oya mago no sakae ya kaki mikan .

. Torii Bunrin 鳥居文鱗 .
namu hotoke kusa no utena mo suzushikare

. Tsuboi Tokoku 坪井杜国 . - 万菊丸 Mangikumaru (? - 1690)
yume yori mo utsutsu no taka zo tanomoshiki
samukeredo futari neru yoru zo tanomoshiki
mazu iwae ume o kokoro no fuyu-gomori
. . . . . Tokoku also visited Yoshino and Mount Koya san with Basho.

Tsuchida Tojaku 土田杜若 (? - 1729). samurai from Iga Ueno.

Tsuda Zensen 津田前川 - samurai from Ogaki

Tsuji Tekishi 辻萩子 (? - 1729) Samurai from Iga Ueno/ 辻五平次景方

. Tsukamoto Jooshu 塚本如舟 Joshu .
(? - 1724) at Shimada-juku 島田宿

. Urashima Taroo 浦島太郎 The legend of Urashima Taro .

Wada Kyosui 和田虚水, Samurai from Zeze 膳所

Wakayama Isshoo 若山一笑 Wakayama Issho, Oowari 尾張

. - Yadoo 野童 Yado - . (? - 1701) 元禄14年6月20日)- Kyoto

Yamada, the Hermit Yamada 陰士山田 at Saya 佐屋
. kuina naku to hito no ieba ya Saya domari .

Yamagichi Hanzan 山岸半残 (? - 1726) 山岸十左衛門. Samurai from Iga Ueno.
Related to the Todo clan.

. - Yamaguchi Sodoo 山口素堂 Yamaguchi Sodo - (1642 - 1716) .

Yamamoto Kakei 山本荷兮 (? - 1716 享保元年). Doctor from Nagoya

. Yamazaki Sookan 山崎宗鑑 Yamazaki Sokan .
arigataki sugata ogaman kakitsubata

. - Yasomura Rotsuu 八十村路通 Rotsu - .
kusamakura makoto no hanami shite mo koyo

. Yasuhara Teishitsu 安原貞室 (1610-73) .

. Yasukawa Rakugo 安川落梧 - 安川助右衛門 - Suke'emon. (1652-1691)
Merchant from Mino, Gifu

Yoshida Kenkoo 吉田兼好 Yoshida Kenko (1283? – 1350?)
. aki no iro nukamiso tsubo mo nakari keri .

Yoshida Shiyuu 吉田支幽 Yoshida Shiyu
samurai from Zeze, later became a Buddhist monk.

. Yuugiku 夕菊 Yugiku (Sekikiku 石菊) from Fukagawa .

. Zekitsu 是橘 - doctor in Edo .
hatsu-uma ni kitsune no sorishi atama kana


sakan 左官 his wall plasterer
. robiraki ya sakan oi yuku bin no shimo .


futari 二人 the two of us

. futari mishi yuki wa kotoshi mo furikeru ka .
Ochi Etsujin 越智越人 Juuzoo 十蔵 Juzo

. samukeredo futari neru yoru zo tanomoshiki .
Tsuboi Tokoku 坪井杜国


- Persons he visited during his travelling -

. - Hanaya Nizaemon 花屋仁左衛門 - .
the death of Basho in Osaka - 大坂南御堂前

. Kanokobata 鹿子畑豊明 - Suitoo 翆桃 Suito . Nasu 那須

. Kitoo 起倒 Kito .
He looked after him when Basho was ill in Atsuta, 1687

. Matsubaya Fuubaku 松葉屋風瀑 Fubaku .
at Ise 伊勢

. - Mukai Kyorai 向井去来 - .
Rakushisha 落柿舎 "Hermitage of the fallen persimmon"

. Nishijima Hyakusai 西島百歳 .
at Iga, Ueno

. Ogawa Fuubaku 小川風麦 Ogawa Fubaku .
at Iga, Ueno. and Shoofuu 梢風 Shofu and Ryoobon 良品 Ryobon.

. Suganuma Gon-emon 菅沼権右衛門 - Koogetsu 菅沼耕月 Kogetsu .
Kyoo ni akite kono kogarashi ya fuyuzumai

. Suganuma Kyokusui 菅沼曲水 / 曲翠 .
Owner of 幻住庵 Genju-An, Hut of the Phantom Dwelling.

. Yoshiwake Tairo 吉分大魯 / 吉分為虎 . (1730 - 1778)

. Yuutoo 能大夫游刀 the Noh actor Yuto in Zeze .


. Inoue Juukoo 井上重厚 Inoue Juko (1738 - 1804) .
compiler of - Moto no Mizu もとの水 - 句集 - A Hokku Collection attributed to Basho
- - - - - and 大川立砂 / 斗囿 Okawa Ryusa


gijinka 擬人化 personification, Anthropomorphism
metaphor inyu 隠喩(いんゆ), metafaa メタファー, hiyu 比喩

In the Japanese language, haiku make use of the direct comparison
... no gotoku ... のごとく, の如く / no gotoshi のごとし、の如し

. uuru koto ko no gotoku seyo chigo-zakura .

. yo ga fuuga wa karo toosen no gotoshi .

- - - - -

. aki ki ni keri mimi o tazunete makura no kaze .
wind is visiting my ear at the pillow

. ayu no ko no shirauo okuru wakare kana .
(spring) ayu sweetfish. whitefish. to say good bye
Basho (the whitefish) at Senju, departing from his young disciples (ayu no ko).

降らずとも 竹植る日は 蓑と笠
. furazu tomo take uu hi wa mino to kasa .
farmers described by their outfit, a raincoat and rain hat

. sono nioi momo yori shiroshi suisenka .
Basho the peach, two sons of his disciple as white daffodils

. yamabuki no tsuyu na no hana no kakochigao naru ya .
the rapeseed flowers make a face of envy !

. Metaphor .

. Anthropomorphism, personification .


. Personal Names used in Haiku .

All people mentioned in the Darumapedia :
. PERSONS - index - PERSONEN .

- #personsbasho #personenbasho -

Naracha and Haikai


- Naracha 奈良茶 Nara rice gruel - cooked with tea -

chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea.
Started in the year 1200 at the hall Nigatsudo at temple Todai-ji, as a simple food for the monks during the O-Mizutori Ceremony.
Now they say

The morning in Yamato starts with a bowl of rice gruel boiled with tea.

chagayu is used in a variety of cooking, such as Chagayu Kaiseki and Chagayu Bento. It is a simple dish, made of rice, water and tea such as Hojicha or roast tea. As simple as it is, Chagayu is quite popular in Nara due to its refreshing flavor and the way it slips easily down the throat.

. WKD : chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea. .
from Nara - Tee-Reisbrei

Naracha, short for Naracha meshi 奈良茶飯 or Narachagayu 奈良茶粥 , rice gruel of the Nara area, especially at the temples Todai-Ji and Kofuku-Ji. It also contained soybeans and tofu. It was a kind of "fast food" and especially popular during the Meireki period of 1655 -1658.


NARACHA ... 奈良茶

Matsuo Basho was very fond of Naracha.
It was served to him even in Obanazawa, Yamagata.

He used to tell his students:


After having eaten three bowls of Naracha,
you will know the real taste of a haikai meeting.

This means that we should meet with our haikai friends, share food and drink and a good talk and write poetry together, not alone.

wabite sume tsuki wabisai ga Naracha uta Tsukiwabisai, Tsuki-Wabisai

"live austere and clear!”
Moongazer’s recluse
drinking song

Tr. Barnhill

Live poor! be bright!
Moongazer sings
a song of Nara gruel

Tr. Shirane

Written in 延宝9年, Basho age 38

and a waka by Ariwara no Yukihira 在原行平 (818 - 893)


wakuraba ni tou hito araba Suma no Ura ni
moshio taretsutsu wabu to kotae yo

If, by any chance
someone should ask after me,
answer that I pine,
weeping as salt seaweed drips
on the beach of Suma.

Tr. Helen Craig McCullough

. WKD : moshio, mojio 藻塩 Salt with seaweed .


source :
Basho's wabi home in Fukagawa - 詫びてすめ wabite sume

bashooki ya waga haikai no nara chameshi

Basho Memorial Day -
for our haikai meeting
rice gruel from Nara

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .   

. WKD : Hokku and Haikai   発句と俳諧 and Basho .


- quote
Origin of Ochazuke
Most Japanese people love Ochazuke, which is served with bowl of rice and different toppings on top, and then poured hot green tea at last. Typical toppings are different kind of vegetable pickles and seaweed. However, some places, flying fish, bonito, mackerel, salmon and bream are also used as toppings for Ochazuke. In Shizuoka prefecture, grilled eel is used as a topping and it is called "Unacha" and it is a famous specialty of Shizuoka prefecture.

The origins of Ochazuke is still unknown. However, in Heian era, there was a meal called "yuzuke", which is a bowl of rice and hot water poured on top. Yuzuke was also introduced in the record of a formal banquet during the Muromachi era. Ochazuke might be a alternative of this "yuzuke". Also, in the recipe book which was published in early Edo era called "Ryori monogatari (Story of the meals)", a kind of meal used tea "Naracha" was introduced.
Naracha was more like a porridge combined rice, chestnut, or potates with tea. It is also possible that Ochazuke was made to be an instant version of this kind of food using tea.

In ancient China, tea was widely used as a food. Even now in China, tea as a food still exists and eaten by minority groups. This tells that tea was originally not used only for drinking, but also for as a food. Ochazuke might be a reminder of the ancient tradition of using tea.
- source : Yoichiro Nakamura


「茶の湯俳句会」 Tea Ceremony Haiku Meeting
In Ogaki City, in memory of Matsuo Basho and Furuta Oribe

. Basho - - - Station 43 - 大垣 Ogaki - - - .

. WKD : Basho and the Tea Ceremony - 茶の湯 .

. WKD : Wabi and Sabi - 侘び 寂び .


. WKD : chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea. .

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .

. - KIGO used by Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - .



poetry of nouns


- Haiku - the Poetry of Nouns -

The Style of Basho

Basho's hokku have been called a "poetry of nouns"
because of its tendency to rely primarily on image rather than statement.
We can look back at the Sado Island, crow on a withered branch, and old pond poems as examples.
In each case we have the same pattern of noun, noun-verb, noun.
Much of the dynamism of these poems is in the stark imagism that turning them into a statement would only dilute.


What is Basho's style?
His style evolved over his career, from the early Danrin school influence, through Genroku 'keiki' style with its Chinese influence, to his final 'karumi' style.

And as Blyth points out,
Basho could write from a lot of different points of view.

There is a theory that
Basho used more Chinese characters and nouns, writing about the Elite of Japan, whereas Issa used more hiragana and verbs, to talk about the human situation of his time.
. WKD : What is Basho's style? .


Matsuo Basho's Ultimate Poetical Value, Or was it?
. . . The first of my 'mini' assumptions is the possibility that one of the main objectives of Basho's last journey might have been to disseminate the new style of karumi among his followers in the western regions, particularly Kamigata.
The second assumption is that the urgency and enthusiasm with which Basho was trying to develop karumi in his last years can be explained partly by the fact that some of his important disciples were falling away or even challenging the introduction of his new style and that he therefore had to try even harder to establish it.
The third of my assumptions . . . is that the greatest of all Basho's achievements is to be found in the creation of a new kind of poetry, born out of the marriage of the already existing two poetic worlds represented by sabi and karumi.
. . .
Amami is probably the most ambiguous and misleading of all Basho's terminology.
. . .
What is meant by karumi, whether it is hokku or tsukeku, is that it is composed as one sees, so to speak, without reaching out for it.
Using plain words does not mean that the sentiment expressed is slight. (On the contrary) it should come deep from the poet's heart and the finished stanza should have perfect naturalness.
. . .
a) Karumi as the Antithesis of Omomi
b) Karumi as the Antithesis of Furubi
c) Karumi as the Antithesis of Nebari and Shiburi
d) Karumi as the Antithesis of Shi-i (self-will)
e) Karumi as the Antithesis of Amami
f) Karumi as the Antithesis of Umami

- - - - and Characteristics of Karumi
a) Kogo-kizoku
b) aikai-jiyu (freedom)
c) Karumi and Zen
d) Humour
e) Karumi's Pictorial Qualities
f) Karumi and Musical Qualities
Notwithstanding the validity of the generally-held view that Japanese poems usually lack the characteristics of Western prosody, musical qualities do play their part in them. In an extreme case, if a Japanese poem sounds monotonous to the Western ears, the Japanese hear 'their' music in that monotony.

- - - - -also discussed are the concepts
fuga no makoto
the scope for sabi

Haikai wa tada fuga nari. Fuga ni ron wa sukoshi mo gazanaku soro.

Haikai is nothing but poetry.
Poetry needs no theory.

- - - - - - Read this important analysis here :
. WKD : Essay by Susumu Takiguchi .


. WKD : Hokku and Haikai   発句と俳諧 .

. WKD : Haiku - the Poetry of Nouns .

under construction

. akikaze no yarido no kuchi ya togarigoe .
(autumn) autumn wind. sliding door. piercing sound

. fuyu botan chidori yo yuki no hototogisu .
this hokku contains four different kigo - winter peony, plover, snow, Hototogisu

. kakurega ya tsuki to kiku to ni ta san tan .
hermitage, moon, chrysanthemums, three tan of rice paddies

Oomi-gaya ase ya sazanami yoru no toko
mosquito net from Omi -
my sweat - gentle waves
my bed at night

. suzushisa o Hida no takumi ga sashizu kana .
coolness and the master carpenter from Hida

. ume ga ka ya Shirara Ochikubo Kyootaroo .  
fragrance of plum blossoms. Shirara. Ochikubo. Kyotaro.

. sazanami ya kaze no kaori no ai byooshi .
gentle waves, fragrant breeze, the right accent (at lake Biwako)


Barnhill says that in his travels Basho pursued
“the wayfaring life in order to embody physically and metaphorically the fundamental character of the universe.”
He visits places “loaded” with cultural and spiritual significance and his sense of “nature” is bound up with these traditions of place. This intertwining of place and significance, the local and the transcendental, is basic to Basho’s experience.
The centrality of “place names” or utamakura is basic to Basho’s outlook. Barnhill says,
“Basho tended to write of places in nature handed down through literature, giving cultural depth to his experience of nature.”

source : worldhaikureview2



Saigyo for waka, Sogi for linked verse,
Sesshu for painting, Rikyu in the tea ceremony —
- there is a single thread running through their art.
- the fundamental principle is the same.
- There is one thing that permeates.
- One thread unites them.
- one thread runs through the artistic Ways.

Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文 Knapsack
- Reference -

Introduction - Oi no Kobumi

"Heels torn, I am the same as Saigyo, and I think of him at the Tenryu ferry. Renting a horse, I conjure up in my mind the sage who became furious. In the beautiful spectacles of the mountains, field, ocean and coast, I see the achievement of the creation.
Or I follow the trails left by those who, completely unattached, pursued the Way, or I try to fathom the truth expressed by those with poetic sensibility."

"In the beautiful spectacles of the mountains, field, ocean and coast, I see the achievement of the creation."

" I see the achievement of the creation. Or I follow the trails left by those who, completely unattached, pursued the Way, or I try to fathom the truth expressed by those with poetic sensibility."

Tr. Hiroaki Sato

source : worldhaikureview


Basho Hokku - A selection of Makoto Ueda's translations

Basho and His Interpreters: Selected Hokku with Commentary
by Makoto Ueda

The following list of sixty-four (64) of the two-hundred-fifty-six (256) hokku translations by Ueda stand out for their emphasis on the verbs or have one or more lines in a verse ending with a verb. They are 25% of the book’s translated hokku.

The following list of sixty-four (64) of the two-hundred-fifty-six (256) hokku translations by Ueda stand out for their emphasis on the verbs or have one or more lines in a verse ending with a verb. They are 25% of the book’s translated hokku.

*Note that all of the Basho hokku presented in the book use verbs in their normal context. None stretch the meaning for the sake of novelty or added surprise.

source : Elaine Andre


“The Master often said:
‘Those who limit themselves with formal rules and seek conceptual principles should be ranked in the middle level, while those who go beyond formal rules and forget (wasure) conceptual principles are the immortals of the art.’”

To “go beyond formal rules and forget conceptual principles” is to eliminate the subjective and conceptual consciousness.
It has been noted that “forgetting” was the mental state Bashô pursued in his old age, and he believed that this mental state was essential to achieve karumi.
In a haibun written one year before his death, Bashô says:

"People who lack wisdom have a lot of thoughts.
People who excel in an art due to worldly concerns are also good at distinguishing “right” and “wrong.”
Holding the “right” as their way to live, their hearts suffer in the hell of desires, and, drowned in these shallow ditches, they cannot produce true art. I would say following the old immortal Nanhua’s words to do away with fame and profit, to forget years, and to be in idleness — this is the happiness of my old age.

To “forget years” is an allusion to the second chapter of the Zhuangzi. It implies a mental preparation for attaining the Dao.

In Chinese literature, the term “forget” is used in both epistemological and spiritual ways. When designating a spiritual realm, “forget” (C. wang; J. wasure) suggests the elimination of worldly concerns. As seen in earlier chapters, doing away with fame and profit and forgetting worldly worries are major themes in Bashô’s work.

Yet the importance of “forgetting” in haikai theory, as Bashô accentuated increasingly in his later writings, lies in its epistemological implication: forgetting as a primary way to enter emptiness and limitlessness, the ideal state in which to attain the Dao.
source : Basho-and-the-Dao - Peipei-Qiu


source :

Basho Portrait by Watanabe Kazan 渡辺崋山
(1793 - 1841)
Scholar of rangaku Western Learning


. WKD : Haiku - the Poetry of Nouns .

. WKD : What is Basho's style? .

. Cut and cut markers used by Basho .
kire 切れ the CUT and kireji 切字 cut markers

. Cultural Keywords used by Basho .
